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    06 Month


    05 hours

  • FEES

    From: ₹ 6000/-

About C++ Programming Language

🤔 Did you know? C++ is a powerful and widely-used programming language in the software development industry! It’s a foundational language for developers to excel in 🧮.

Mastering the basics of C++ is a critical initial step in your programming journey 🚀 and an essential skill for developers in diverse fields 💻 📚.

1. 🌱 Fundamentals of Programming

  • 📚 Learn about variables, data types, and operators
  • 🔢 Understand control structures like loops and conditionals
  • 🔀 Study functions and basic input/output

2. 🖥️ Introduction to C++

  • 📝 Understand C++ syntax and structure
  • 🚀 Set up your development environment (compiler, IDE)
  • 🏁 Write your first C++ program

3. 🧠 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in C++

  • 🎨 Grasp concepts of classes, objects, and inheritance
  • 🔒 Learn about encapsulation and polymorphism
  • 🔄 Study method overloading and overriding

4. 🧰 Advanced C++ Concepts

  • 🔣 Work with pointers, arrays, and strings
  • 🔍 Explore templates and standard template library (STL)
  • 🗄️ Understand file handling and exception handling

5. 🧩 C++ Best Practices

  • 🚫 Learn about memory management and resource allocation
  • 🛡️ Understand error handling and debugging techniques
  • 🔍 Study code optimization and performance tuning

Remember, becoming proficient in a programming language requires dedication and practice. Stay persistent, seek guidance when needed, and keep coding! 🎉


Here are the basic requirements to kickstart your C++ learning journey:

Hardware Requirements

  • A computer or laptop with internet connectivity
  • An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C++ programming (e.g., Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, CLion)
  • A web browser for research and online resources

Software Requirements

  • C++ compiler installed on your system
  • An IDE with C++ support and debugging capabilities
  • Optional: Version control system (e.g., Git) for code management

Skills and Knowledge

  • Basic understanding of programming fundamentals
  • Familiarity with using an IDE for coding
  • Logical reasoning and problem-solving skills
  • Enthusiasm to delve into C++ programming

Remember, the learning pace may vary, but consistent practice and determination are key to mastering C++ programming.

How to Get Started

For inquiries or enrollment, reach out to us at +918460441384


₹ 6000/- 6500/-



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