
Establish a solid groundwork by mastering the fundamentals of HTML, a crucial prerequisite for crafting and modifying web pages with confidence.



    03 Month


    05 hours

  • FEES

    From: ₹ 6000/-

About Course

🤔 Did you know? All websites, including this one 📄, rely on HTML! It’s a cornerstone of every web developer’s toolkit 🧮. HTML empowers you to infuse web pages with structure, incorporating a wide range of content such as:

  • ✍️ text
  • 📸 images
  • 📹 videos
  • 📝 forms
  • …and more! 🤯

Learning HTML basics is a vital first step in your web development journey 🚀 and an essential skill for both front-end and back-end developers to possess 💻 📚.

🎉 Here is a suggested course roadmap for learning HTML: 🎉

1. 🤔 Introduction to HTML

  • What is HTML and its importance in web development 💻
  • Basic syntax and structure of HTML documents 📝
  • Understanding HTML elements and tags 🔍

2. 🎨 Basic HTML Elements

  • Headings (h1-h6) 📣
  • Paragraphs (p) 📄
  • Links (a) 🔗
  • Images (img) 📸
  • Lists (ul, ol, li) 📝
  • Emphasis (b, i, strong, em) 💪

3. 📈 HTML Document Structure

  • Understanding the HTML document structure (DOCTYPE, html, head, body) 📊
  • Creating a basic HTML page 📄

4. 🌟 HTML Semantic Elements

  • Header (header) 📣
  • Navigation (nav) 📍
  • Main content (main) 📄
  • Footer (footer) 👣
  • Sectioning elements (section, article, aside) 📈

5. 📊 Tables and Forms:

  • Creating tables (table, tr, td) 📊
  • Understanding table attributes and styling 💼
  • Creating forms (form, input, textarea, select) 📝
  • Understanding form attributes and validation 🔒

6. 🎥 Multimedia and Interactive Elements:

  • Adding audio and video content (audio, video) 🎵
  • Understanding multimedia attributes and controls 📺
  • Creating interactive elements (button, label, fieldset) 📈

It’s also important to practice and build projects regularly to reinforce your learning 💪 📈.


Here are the basic requirements to learn HTML:

Hardware Requirements

  • A computer or laptop with a stable internet connection
  • A text editor or code editor (e.g., Notepad, Sublime Text, Atom, Visual Studio Code)
  • A web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge)

Software Requirements

  • A text editor or code editor with syntax highlighting for HTML (most code editors have this feature built-in)
  • A web browser with developer tools (most modern browsers have this feature built-in)

Skills and Knowledge

  • Basic understanding of computers and the internet
  • Familiarity with using a text editor or code editor
  • Basic understanding of how websites work (e.g., understanding the concept of web pages, links, and images)
  • Patience and willingness to learn and practice

Remember, the time commitment may vary depending on your learning pace and goals. It’s essential to practice regularly and consistently to reinforce your learning.

How to Get Started

For inquiries or enrollment, reach out to us at +918460441384


₹ 6000/- 6500/-



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